The effectiveness of a counseling program in how to work with groups to achieve family security for children of unknown parentage in residential institutions

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


Assistant Professor of Group Work The Higher Institute of Social Work in Alexandria


The study aims to address the main hypothesis of the study about the extent of verifying the effectiveness of a proposed program from the perspective of the method of working with groups to achieve family security for children of unknown parentage in residential institutions. The study started from the humanistic theory, the ethological attachment theory, and the social power theory, and the current study is considered one of the studies Experimental using the experimental method using a scale for achieving family security among children with unknown parentage in residential institutions. It was applied to a sample of children with unknown parentage, estimated at (17) individuals. The study sample was determined from (10) members of people with unknown parentage.

The study recommended the need to prepare mechanisms to consolidate family security for orphans with special circumstances of unknown parentage in light of Egypt’s Vision 2030 AD, and a professional intervention program to enhance the security culture for children of determination of unknown parentage in light of Egypt’s Vision 2030 AD, and the need to enhance intellectual security among children of unknown parentage with circumstances. Private.

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